Visdomsord …

I Italien fick jag lära mig att Gud (eller vem som har nu gjort att vi ser ut som vi gör) har givit oss två öron och en mun av den enkla anledningen att vi ska lyssna mer än prata.

Dessa ord fann jag ikväll med samma innehåll och tanke …

The Lord give’th you 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth,
The first two are slightly north, the latter slightly south,

He give’th you more of some, and less of the other,
So as to look & listen more, than to talk and hurt one another.

So take’th some sage advice & work in the following order,
First survey the landscape, and keep reactions within that border.

Then listen’th carefully and deeply what others have to say,
Before opening your mouth & putting your ignorance out on display!

Och så gillade jag även denna så den kanske kan få också mig som delar den och ni som läser den att kanske tänka till lite extra <3

True wisdom is not when we judge or ridicule one another,
As none of us are better than one from the other.

True wisdom is not all the facts that you think you know,
Every time you open your mouth for the entire world to show.

True wisdom is not your version and the opinions you convey,
But rather tolerance, acceptance and understanding is the way.

True wisdom is usually conspicuous through silent interaction,
And shown by the deeds that you continually put into action!

Godnatt <3

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